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Resistance: A friendly foe

Resistance: Value Reading

  • Resistance with unit ohm is a component which is used to control current in a circuit. Resistance is the most commonly used component in any electronic circuit. It is part and parcel of our technology-driven life.
  • Without realizing it, we handle and control the resistance many times in our daily life. Whenever we are changing the speed of fan in our room, volume of our favorite FM station, or brightness of our TV or laptop, we are actually changing the value of resistance to achieve this.
  • With the help of the circuit given below, we will visualize how resistance affects the current in a circuit. This is a simple circuit with five different values of resistance. Each resistance is connected one at a time in the circuit through probe. Depending upon the value of resistance, the current varies in the circuit and LED glows accordingly.

  • When the value of resistance is low (R1: 10Ω), the current in the circuit is high. As a result, the LED glows brightly. When we increase the value of resistance, current in the circuit decreases and LED is dimmed. The brightness of the LED decreases with the increase in the value of resistance.
  • Thus, by using a small component, we can control the flow of current and voltage in any electronic device, thus molding it to work as per our wish. A resistance in that way gives lot of freedom in circuit design.
  • You should think and research about the use of resistance in your daily life and post it in comments section. In the next article, we will construct this circuit and will verify the result practically, so watch out for an exciting activity.