Conductors and Insulators: Reality Check

Conductors and Insulators: Reality Check

We have learnt about the basic circuit in the previous blog. Now, we will apply that knowledge to understand the phenomenon of conductors and insulators. The following activity will illustrate that current passes through conductors and not through insulators:- Collect...
Current Aur Circuit ki jodi

Current Aur Circuit ki jodi

When electrons start moving in one direction, we say that electric current is flowing. Flow of electrons constitutes current. Water is a good example to explain current.  When glaciers melt at the mountains, water starts flowing in one direction forming river....
BATTERY: The secret of our energy

BATTERY: The secret of our energy

Batteries are like piggy banks. Cell is the basic unit of energy. Two or more cells connected together is called battery. They are our energy storehouse. A Battery converts chemical energy into electrical energy. They are mobile or portable source of power. They are...
Soldering tools : The Real Action Masters

Soldering tools : The Real Action Masters

Here are some most amazing and exciting tools. Soldering Iron : It is a hand tool used for soldering the components. It is an electrical instrument used for making good joints. Like the element of the heater or Electric press, there is an element part which gets...
Tools: Our partners and extended hands

Tools: Our partners and extended hands

Electronics is a very hands-on vocation, wherein you learn by experimenting. For experimenting, we need tools. A technician is only as good as the tools which he works with. Basic tools needed for electronics are inexpensive and are easily available. One should...