Electrical energy plays vital role in functioning of our body.
Human body is a good conductor of electricity. Human body constitutes 70% of water.
Our heart works on electricity. The Sino-atrial node in the heart sends out electrical signals. The electrical activity of our heart is detected using an Electro Cardiogram (ECG).
Our brain transmits electrical signals to various parts of our body, so that we can talk, see, feel & hear.
Human body is a good conductor, which is why we get an electrical shock. In case someone touches a live wire, the electrical circuit get completed through his body as he becomes part of the circuit. Electric Shock affects all the systems of the body. It can cause severe burns on our skin. The body may get paralysed depending on intensity of shock.
Electricity in Nature
Electricity and Electronics are not man made but are widely found in nature. Few examples can be seen here.
Electricity loves the earth, It always finds the easiest way to the ground. If we get in the way, we will get a shock.
A Spark from the electric pole carries around 1000 V.
Lightning is billions of electrons jumping from one place to another.
Lightning measures about 3 million volt and occurs in less than a fraction of a second.
One of the acquatic animal electric Eel produces large amount of electricity, enough to even kill a human being.
We can produce electricity from sunlight, wind, water and even animal dung.
Informative and useful, ma’m.
nice information given
useful for 1 time users
Now i,ll make sure i never toch a wire without a rubber glove or sandals,shoes thanks mam second article
It,s very useful for small children
Hello mam
This is Ansh Bansal
very useful information provided
thank you ma’am for this information. i will never touch a live wire without rubber gloves